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h1. Biggest heading h2. Bigger heading h1. Biggest heading h2. Bigger heading h3. Big heading h4. Normal heading h5. Small heading h6. Smallest heading *strong* _emphasis_ {{monospaced}} ??citation?? -deleted- +inserted+ ^superscript^ ~subscript~ {code:javascript} var hello = 'world'; {code} [http://google.com] [Google|http://google.com] GitHub Flavor -deleted- {noformat} preformatted piece of text so *no* further _formatting_ is done here {noformat}


# Biggest heading ## Bigger heading # Biggest heading ## Bigger heading ### Big heading #### Normal heading ##### Small heading ###### Smallest heading **strong** *emphasis* `monospaced` <cite>citation</cite> ~~deleted~~ <ins>inserted</ins> <sup>superscript</sup> <sub>subscript</sub> ```javascript var hello = 'world'; ``` <http://google.com> [Google](http://google.com) GitHub Flavor ~~deleted~~ ``` preformatted piece of text so *no* further _formatting_ is done here ```